Kinesiotaping – what effects does tape have on the face?
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Kinesiotaping – what effects does tape have on the face?

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Natural methods of taking care of one’s health and beauty are constantly growing in popularity. Among them, kinesiotaping definitely stands out. Colorful tapes on the face work wonders. Get to know them closer!

Kinesiotaping – what is it and what is it about?

Kinesiotaping is also known as dynamic taping. It is a brilliant way to look younger, gives truly spectacular results. It can be used alone or as a complement to self-massage and facial yoga.

Until now, special tapes – tights – were applied to our bodies by physiotherapists only for rehabilitation purposes. Dr. Kenzo Kase changed that – he developed a method of using tapes for cosmetic purposes. The key is not only to choose the right tape, but above all the method of its application.

A huge advantage of taping is that tapes work all the time, even when we sleep (we do not stick them on for a while!). This makes them an extremely convenient method of fighting the passage of time. This type of treatments are designed mainly for people who are beginning to show the first signs of aging.

We are talking about, among others, wrinkles, but also about the loss of skin firmness, muscle tone, swelling around the eyes and the whole face and neck, as well as the second chin. Of course, nothing prevents the use of kinesiotaping preventively.

What are the effects of kinesiotaping?

Many people may wonder what actually gives us taping to the face, whether we can count on any improvement or difference in appearance. Properly performed taping relaxes muscles, supports their work, strengthens them. It also improves the quality of tissues.

In addition, it improves the functioning of the lymphatic system and blood circulation, so we get rid of unwanted swelling and puffiness. Moreover, they help fight the aforementioned second chin and are even able to smooth out scars.

Kinesiotaping not only smooths the skin and reduces the appearance of wrinkles, but also improves the oval of the face and gives a lifting effect.

Kinesiotaping – helps not only in aesthetic issues

The above advantages and effects that kinesiotaping gives are invaluable, but that’s not all. Special tapes can even help with the discomfort we feel during sinusitis or even a cold. How does it work? First of all, it is about relieving pain and pressure in the area of the longitudinal muscle of the face.

This type of method is also used in speech therapy. The muscles of the face are responsible for correct pronunciation, both in adults and children. When applied in the right way, the patches help to strengthen and improve them.

Who can not use kinesiotaping?

Each treatment is always associated with various contraindications. The same is true for kinesiotaping, although this list is short. It is definitely not a treatment for people who are allergic to any component of the tapes. People with inflammation, skin irritations and infections, with fresh wounds and scars at the site of the taping, and those struggling with vein thrombosis must also decline.

Main photo: Danik Prihodko/

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