Women are conquering men’s industries. Which ones?
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Women are conquering men’s industries. Which ones?

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We are now living in an era where ladies are eager to pursue professions that for years were dominated by men. What industries are we talking about?

The times when women were only concerned with raising children and men earned money for the house are long gone. Now ladies are usually fulfilling themselves professionally. The division between men’s and women’s professions is disappearing. Women are eager to take on jobs where men once dominated. And interestingly, it often turns out that they are even better than them!

Women are arriving in the construction industry

Historically, construction was considered a typically male profession. Interestingly, according to a 2019 report by real estate developer Robyg, already 20% of job applicants were female! And even more interestingly, 23% of them were accepted by employers. Although it’s a fact that they tend to dominate in management positions, marketing and HR departments rather than, for example, bricklaying, plastering, etc., which usually involves the use of force. In recent years, there has also been an increased interest among young girls just in construction at universities.

IT industry – women are conquering it

Another industry that has attracted the interest of a growing number of women in recent years is IT. It used to be difficult to meet female IT specialists, today they work in thousands of companies around the world, and no one is surprised. Ladies who have become IT specialists are often appreciated by their bosses for their ability to multitask and accuracy. On top of that, they are also eager to further their education and increase their competence, becoming even better employees and climbing the career ladder. Ladies in the IT industry feel valued, and on top of that they can count on substantial salaries that provide them with stability and independence.

Women drivers – more and more often you can meet them on the roads

Ladies drivers, as they are also often called, are now a common sight. And just a dozen years ago, a woman driving a bus or a tire caused quite a stir. It turns out that the fair sex is doing very well in this field as well. Bus passengers often even think that ladies as drivers perform better, because they are more careful, and more empathetic and helpful if needed.

A mechanic who is a woman? As much as possible

Change is slow in the automotive industry, but year after year you can see that there are more ladies in it. However, women want not so much to repair, but to design and assemble cars. According to experts, there will be more and more of them in these professions in the future, as they are many times better educated than men, and this knowledge translates into success at work. Men often don’t want to take knowledge away from them, so they are also constantly improving their skills. Employers recognize these advantages and are increasingly willing to hire the fair sex in automotive companies – they know it will pay off for them.

main photo: unsplash.com/Adam Winger

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