How to fight cellulite after 40?
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How to fight cellulite after 40?

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Cellulite manifests itself as unsightly, subcutaneous furrows that occur most often on women’s thighs and buttocks. There are many reasons for its formation, and one of them is age.

Around 30 years of age, the skin already reaches its maximum thickness and slowly enters the stage of loss of structure and elasticity of collagen fibers. Cellulite does not act selectively, it appears in most women after 40 years of age regardless of their figure

How to fight cellulite?

Subcutaneous cellulite is caused by a disorder in the body’s proportion between fat and connective tissue. People who suffer from it notice an uneven distribution of fat tissue manifested by subcutaneous thickening of various sizes, excessive production of metabolites and accumulation of water in the body. Skin affected by cellulite looks like an orange peel and is often compared to it. It should be remembered that cellulite treatment must be comprehensive, which means that it should include not only this unpleasant condition, but also the whole body. Measures to combat it include a healthier diet and more physical activity. Moreover, it is a long and tedious process requiring a lot of perseverance. Below are some ways that will help every woman over 40 in the fight for a more beautiful body

Cold showers

In the fight against cellulite effectively help baths in cold water. It is recommended to take alternate showers – once with warm, once with cold water. Temperature has a positive effect on the elasticity of blood vessels and reduces their permeability. This should be repeated at least five times per bath. The shower should always end with a stream of cold water directed at the parts of the body affected by cellulite. If you like long baths, add at least a glass of sea salt to the bathtub, which also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the subcutaneous tissue

Massage with a rough glove or wooden brush

Self-performed massages with a wooden brush or a rough glove work well in the fight against cellulite. Massage is performed in circular motions. It always starts from the lower part of the body and goes up, so first the ankles, then calves, knees, thighs and abdomen. Depending on the chosen device, massages can be performed wet with oil or dry. They stimulate circulation and accelerate the removal of harmful metabolites from the body. The treatment should last at least 20-30 minutes. The oils that are used in manual massage are most often: geranium oil, caraway oil, juniper oil, grapefruit oil, cypress oil or rosewood oil

Home-made scrubs

Once or twice a week it is worth to do a full body peeling. The procedure can be performed at home with the help of ingredients available in every kitchen. When scrubbing, pay special attention to the areas affected by cellulite. The treatment removes dead skin cells, improves blood circulation, and thus the nutrients contained in cosmetics are more easily absorbed. The ingredients that have a positive effect on the skin are

  • peeling from coffee grounds – caffeine contained in them indirectly stimulates fat burning, in addition, stimulates circulation. It is completely safe and does not irritate the skin, it must not be used on face
  • sugar peeling – recommended for people with sensitive skin. Additionally, it soothes irritation
  • sea salt scrub – the most irritating, people with hypersensitive skin must not use it. It has a stimulating effect, stimulates circulation and increases the speed of lymph flow

Cosmetic treatments for cellulite

If the above-mentioned methods are not enough, it is worth turning for help to the clinic of aesthetic medicine. There appeared in them a lot of treatments that serve to reduce cellulite. The most commonly used are:

  • lymphatic drainage, which promotes the speed of lymph flow
  • body wrapping – extremely effective in the fight against large cellulite
  • endermology
  • muscle electrostimulation
  • dermomassage;
  • mesotherapy
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