Marriage therapy. When is it worth opting for it?

Marriage therapy. When is it worth opting for it?

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Everyone faces major and minor problems. Just as different challenges face spouses. When we can’t find a solution on our own, it’s good to ask a specialist for help. We look at when it’s a good idea to opt for marriage therapy and what it looks like.

What does a visit to a therapist involve?

It used to be that a visit to a therapist was not something to brag about, and even something to be ashamed of. Fortunately, times have changed, our awareness has increased, and more and more people are opting for the help of an experienced psychologist. This is a really good way to go when we can’t work through childhood trauma, school or work problems on our own. 

As for the visit itself, it is mainly based on conversation. And it has to be admitted that a large number of people are unable to communicate with each other or listen to each other. Face-to-face contacts are being supplanted by text messages, social media messaging or emails. It is then difficult to identify and recognize each other’s needs, expectations and desires. 

Marriage therapy begins with several diagnostic sessions, during which the therapist will look at and listen to the couple, and then individually tailor the type and goal of therapy.

When is it a good idea to come to marriage therapy?

Crises happen even to the best and most loving couples – regardless of the seniority of the relationship. They can arise for a variety of reasons. Therefore, it is worth opting for marriage therapy when there are sexual problems, parenting problems with children, when indifference towards each other or other negative emotions appear, when there is a lack of a shared vision of the future. It is also a good step when thoughts of separation, betrayals and lies, as well as aggression and quarrels appear.

Psychologists repeatedly stress that just as it takes two to dance, we go to therapy with mutual consent and a desire to improve the relationship. Only then will it make sense.

What is the purpose of marriage therapy? What does it give?

In a specialist’s office, spouses often look at their relationship in a completely different way, from a distance and more objectively. They also notice things they didn’t realize before. As we have already mentioned, the therapist individually determines the goals of therapy, depending on the specific problems of the spouses.

Typically, couples want to increase harmony in their relationship, work through simmering thoughts and emotions, and understand their partner’s behavior. They also want to learn how to better express their desires and views to each other, reduce their fears, and bring about an internal change that will greatly improve contacts between loved ones.

Marriage therapy is a good solution to use if you want to save your relationship.

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