Facial care gadgets that are worth giving a chance
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Facial care gadgets that are worth giving a chance

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A brush, roller, stone or maybe a massager? Meet the bestselling gadgets that improve facial care. They really work! And at the same time they are extremely easy to use. Check which ones are missing from your bathroom.

Facial care – what do you need to know about it?

Everyone’s skin is different, so we also choose care according to our needs. However, the most important step is always a decent makeup removal. Otherwise, the skin will not have the opportunity to regenerate during the night, and the remaining impurities will clog pores and lead to pimples and other imperfections. Makeup removal is best done in several stages, so that you can be sure that your face is completely clean.

Then tone the skin to restore its proper pH and move on to a serum with concentrated nutrients and a cream – moisturizing, oxygenating or nourishing.

Facial care gadgets – the hits themselves!

It turns out that almost every step of the above-described skin care can help us with various types of gadgets. We have briefly mentioned each of them below.

Face cleansing brush

This juxtaposition couldn’t begin any other way. Facial cleansing brushes are perfect for getting rid of all makeup residue, sebum, sweat and dust. In addition, they massage the skin, stimulating its circulation. Regular use of this gadget also has an anti-wrinkle and anti-aging effect. Face brushes can be manual, electric and sonic.

Makeup remover glove

A makeup remover glove is also useful, which can handle both getting rid of color cosmetics from the face and from the eyes. Here we do not need any other cleansing products, only water is enough. We soak such a microfiber mitt in water, squeeze it and start making gentle circular motions on the selected part of the face. After using it, we rinse it thoroughly in soapy water and leave it to dry. The glove is reusable, and we replace it every three months or so.

Gua sha stone for massage

Recent skin care hits also include the gua sha stone – in the shape of a quartz or jade plate. We massage the skin with it on the principle of rubbing, so it is ideal for performing home lymphatic drainage. It relaxes tense facial muscles, stimulates circulation and cells to work, accelerates the regeneration of the epidermis and visibly shallows existing fine wrinkles. On top of that, it also relaxes, improves absorption of cosmetics and gets rid of pain.

Rollers and massagers

Last but not least, we still have various types of rollers and massagers – made of rose quartz, jade, rock crystal, gold. If we use them daily, they will quickly give great results. What are they? They firm the skin, improve the oval of the face, get rid of accumulated lymph and puffiness, reduce the appearance of dark circles under the eyes and pores. Importantly, we always massage the face from the neck up and from the inside out, and it’s best to keep these goodies in the refrigerator. Of course, we probably don’t need to add that such a treatment is very relaxing and pleasant.

main photo: unsplash.com/Content Pixie

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