How to do eyebrow makeup? We suggest!

How to do eyebrow makeup? We suggest!

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Nicely defined eyebrows add definition to the face and depth to the gaze. This is especially important in the case of very light hairs, which not only do not emphasize the eye, but also make the face becomes devoid of character. So how to make up eyebrows?

Eyebrows can give character and expressiveness to the face and add depth to the look. But it is worth knowing how to apply the makeup properly to get a satisfactory result.

Face shape

It is a good idea to match your eyebrows to the shape of your face, so that you can emphasize the strengths of your appearance. If you do not know how to do it properly, you can go to the beautician for henna and adjustment. The professional will not only choose the right shape and size, but also will darken with the help of henna hairs that are too light. Sometimes this is enough to emphasize your natural beauty.


Would you like to make your eyebrows more expressive, thicker or emphasize your facial features? Go for the right makeup! Stock up on pomade, eyebrow pencil and eyeshadow and experiment to see which one works better for you. Get an eyebrow brush and an angled brush for precise application. It may be hard to get your makeup perfect at first, but remember – practice makes perfect.

How do I get started? Use the brush to apply a dab of eye shadow or pomade and then trace a slight curve in line with your eyebrows. Then gradually widen and darken it until you’re happy with the result. If you want a natural effect, the tip of your eyebrows should be darker than the beginning.

Here’s a Red Lipstick Monster tutorial to help you with your makeup.

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