How to gain self-confidence? It will be useful for you not only at work!

How to gain self-confidence? It will be useful for you not only at work!

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Do you feel that you lack confidence in everyday situations? Find out how you can work on it – you’ll thank yourself for it! A few simple tips can bring you closer to a more confident life.

Self-confidence – it comes in very handy

I’m sure you know that feeling when you regret not doing something. You didn’t talk openly with a co-worker, you didn’t approach a certain person at a party, you didn’t answer an exam as you would have liked… Although these situations are slightly different, the reason for this behavior, or rather for not acting in a certain way, is the same. Lack of confidence can become a real nuisance on a daily basis. 

In addition, insecure people often think of themselves not very well. They tend to be overly self-critical and have a pessimistic attitude, which makes them fail at many things that they would not have much of a problem with if they thought of themselves more positively. Definitely, self-confidence is very useful, but what if someone is insecure by nature? Everything can be worked out – or at least help yourself.

Lack of self-confidence – understand its causes in order to act

Before you start building self-confidence, you should think about the reasons why you lack it so much. Only by understanding them will you be able to move on. Some of the most common causes of lack of self-confidence include:

  • negative childhood experiences,
  • long-term stress,
  • domestic violence,
  • excessive expectations of us,
  • difficult relationships with parents.

As you can see, some of the causes of low self-esteem have their origin – like most things – in childhood. Sometimes, however, it happens that unpleasant events in adult life make us suddenly or gradually lose our natural self-confidence.

How to become confident?

It’s not that suddenly, as if by magic, you will become very brave and everything that caused you problems until now will stop being difficult. Without a doubt, however, self-confidence can be worked on. There are plenty of ways to do it. Starting from inconspicuous actions, such as making sure you have an upright posture or smile at your interlocutors, to more serious steps.

Above all, remember that stressful situations really can be prepared for. You’ll be more confident when – for example, before an interview for a raise – you prepare yourself solidly. You can practice at home in front of the mirror, make a list of arguments, and you’ll definitely go a little better. Your daily routine should also not lack relaxation techniques, such as breathing exercises. Appreciate yourself by writing down one thing every day that worked for you.

This is something you can’t forget

Remember that building self-confidence is done by trial and error. Allow yourself the latter, and remember that you will face many obstacles along the way. It is not important how many times you stumble, but how many times you get up. Working on self-confidence is difficult, but it’s worth fighting for!

main photo: Yau

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