Fashion - Page 3

How to wear tight dresses?
How to wear tight dresses?

Tight dresses are timeless and beautifully emphasize the silhouette. Every woman should have at least one in her closet! We tell you how to wear fitted dresses and look your best.

Cocktail dresses – when to wear them?
Cocktail dresses – when to wear them?

Do you have a cocktail dress in your closet? Or maybe you are just planning to buy one? Make sure […]

What to wear to the office in the fall?
What to wear to the office in the fall?

Looking for fall office styling inspiration? See how to create an outfit that is both elegant and appropriate for the autumn weather

What jewelry to wear every day?
What jewelry to wear every day?

Jewelry is a very glamorous addition to everyday stylisations. Find out how to choose jewelry that will beautifully highlight your natural strengths and which jewelry is the most fashionable this season

3 ways to enhance your outfit with jewelry
3 ways to enhance your outfit with jewelry

Jewelry is a brilliant complement to any styling. But which one to choose to look good and fashionable? We suggest how to match jewelry with an outfit in 3 ways.

How to slim your silhouette optically? 3 sure-fire tricks
How to slim your silhouette optically? 3 sure-fire tricks

We suggest how to slim your figure with the right clothes. See proven methods

Summer in the office – 5 styling ideas
Summer in the office – 5 styling ideas

Don’t have an idea for an office outfit in the summer season? Check out our suggestions on how to feel comfortable and look attractive and professional during hot weather!

How to dress for a job interview in the summer?
How to dress for a job interview in the summer?

Formal style and summer comfort can go hand in hand! Check out what to wear when going for a job interview in the summer.

How do clothing colors affect mood?
How do clothing colors affect mood?

Find out what the colors of the clothes you wear say about you and how colors can affect your mood.

Comfortable shoes for everyday styling
Comfortable shoes for everyday styling

Are you looking for shoes that will match different stylizations and you can wear both to work and in your free time? Choose these models!